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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 products
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 products

Pot Size 2 ltr Clusters of tiny blue flowers on dark red stems.

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Eryngium Picos Blue

Pot Size 2 ltr The bluest of the beautiful sea hollies, with delicate spikes.

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Eryngium Blue Hobbit

Pot Size 2 ltr Small blue flowerheads with narrow, spiny bracts.

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Eryngium Big Blue

An upright, herbaceous perennial to 75cm with spiky, highly-divided, silvery-green foliage. The stiff, branched stems are topped with blue, thimble-shaped flowerheads surrounded by a ruff of prickly, silvery-blue bracts, Excellent for pollinators and bees