Pretty bushy perennials, producing masses of flowers, on tall slender stems, creating an airy effect in the border. The flowers have four unequal sized petals, often narrow. The flowers range from white through to pink. Gauras prefer a light soil and full sun. Really wet may cause the plant to rot off. In late autumn, early winter, cut plants down by a third to half,as this will helping protect the plants from fros, and then again cut further down to new growth in the Spring after danger of fost has gone.View
£5.83 ex. VAT £7.00
Pot Size 2 ltr Dark pink buds open to produces white and pink flowers.
£5.83 ex. VAT £7.00
Pot Size 2 ltr White flowers with pink edges. Ideal for borders or pots.
£5.83 ex. VAT £7.00
Pot Size 2 ltr Deep pink flowers produced. Ideal for border.
£6.67 ex. VAT £8.00
Elurra has dark green leaves and slender, upright stems bearing pink buds opening to wand-like panicles of star-shaped, white flowers from early summer into autumn.
£5.42 ex. VAT £6.50
Long flowering season gaura, that sways gracefully in the breeze. Lovely bright pink flowers over a long season.
£5.42 ex. VAT £6.50
Long flowering season gaura, that sways gracefully in the breeze.Lovely white flowers over a long season.
£5.83 ex. VAT £7.00
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Delightful new variety with deep, red-pink foliage giving rise to airy, vibrant pink flowers atop dark pink stems. Easy, perennial colour for hot sunny beds and borders. Abundantly blooms all summer and year after year, with little care. Works well in containers too.£5.83 ex. VAT £7.00
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The simple yet elegant Gaura is a plant that looks great in a cottage or informal garden. They produce simple white and pink star-like flowers that appear from early summer through to autumn. These plants are perfect for filling in the gaps of a planting scheme or growing in containers. Pair this plant with grasses or trailing plants to create a fantastic effect.