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Showing 25 - 48 of 166 products
Showing 25 - 48 of 166 products

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Lupin Manhatten Lights

Pot size 9 cm Producing spikes of purple and yellow, this tall lupin is very popular, and flowers throughout the summer.

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Lupin Persian Slipper

Pot size 9 cm This lupin produces tall flower spikes of light blue.

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Lupin Beefeater

Pot size 3 ltr pot Tall flowered lupins with pure red flower spikes

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Lupin Polar Princess

Pot size 9 cm This tall lupin, flowers in the summer produing pure white flower spikes.

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Lupin Blossom

Pot size 3 ltr Tall flowered lupins with light pink flower spikes.

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Lupin Dessert Sun

Pot size 3 ltr Tall flowered lupins with rich yellow flower spikes.

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Loniceras Gold Flame

Pot size 3 ltr Orange/yelow flowered honeysuckle that is highly scented. Semi evergreen

Pot size 4 ltr ltr:1100:True:Pot SizeSweetly scented soft pink fully double flowers

Pot size 1.5 ltr ltr:1100:True:Pot SizeLarge dark red to maroon double flowers in early spring

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Asparagus Knife

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Hexham Velvet

Pot size 2 ltr Geranium Hexham Velvet, has a low-growing and outwardly spreading habit, sterile upward-facing purple violet-coloured flowers with almost black-colored venation

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Flight of Butterflies

Pot size 2 ltr Iris Flight of Butterflies has delightful, small, deep violet-blue flowers. The falls are prettily veined with white.

White 'snowflake' flowers, with dark green leaves. Easy to grow and perfect for bog gardens and pond side planting. It has nectar rich flowers which are excellent for bees.

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Passiflora Purple Haze

Impressively large exotic looking purple flowers. The flowers have a light scent.

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Erythronium Pagoda

Vigorous plant which will form clumps and spread, producing nodding sulphur yellow flowers in Spring.

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Lupin Magic Lantern

Tall spikes of deep purple flowers with yellow standards. This Lupin can be seen in many displays at Chelsea Flower Show.

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Geum Totally Tangerine

Noted for its long flowering season. Peachy orange flowers.

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Verbena Buenos Aires

Rich purple florets which attract bees and butterflies.

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Verbena Santos Purple

Bright purple flowers, blooming from June to September.

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Verbena Bampton

Deep purple foliage, with short pikes of small pink flowers. Attracts bees.

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Lobelia Queen Victoria

Spikes of scarlet bloom, flowering from August to October.

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Lobelia Starship Scarlet

Scarlet spikes of flowers, flowering in late Summer.

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Bright and vibrant pink flower spikes that attract bees.

Vibrant blue purple flowers, flowering though the Summer.